
Should i join or destroy the dark brotherhood
Should i join or destroy the dark brotherhood

should i join or destroy the dark brotherhood

Upon speaking to the children there, and they will tell the player Aventus Aretino escaped and planned to kill their Headmistress, Grelod the Kind, by summoning the Dark Brotherhood.

should i join or destroy the dark brotherhood

After accepting Aretino’s proposal, the player is directed to visit the Honorhall Orphanage.

should i join or destroy the dark brotherhood

Speaking with Aventus Aretino initiates the questInnocence Lost and starts the Dark Brotherhood questline. The children at the Honorhall Orphanage will also speak about Aventus’ attempts to summon the Dark Brotherhood, which will give the player a miscellaneous objective as well. (Upon intimidation, persuasion or upon being shown an unusual gem, Maul’s information is free). After sharing some tough words, he can give information on both the Thieves Guild, and the Dark Brotherhood for a price, of course. He can usually be found standing against a post off to the left at the entrance of the city. Or, if in Riften, the player should speak to a man named Maul. The innkeeper may tell the player that Aventus Aretino is trying to perform the Black Sacrament in Windhelm. The player can go to any inn and ask for the latest gossip from the innkeeper. As a result, their ranks include Vampires, Werewolves and Banditsas well as Mages. Initiates must also display the ability to kill mercilessly, without regret or sorrow. “Sweet mother, sweet mother, send your child unto me for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear”Īny man or woman may join the Dark Brotherhood.

Should i join or destroy the dark brotherhood